So what’s “Hot” in Interior Design depends on what year you are in and there have been some pretty trendy movements in the last decade for those who want to express themselves and dive design forward. The trend typically originates from Milan Design Week which takes place in April and sets the tone for all things design. In 2018 one of the more expressive trends included Maximalism. Maximalism is using color, texture & design to its fullest extent and although somewhat over the top for me, when done right, it’s so creative and beautiful. Maximalism believes more is more with vivid hues and deluxe fabrics and accessories that dominate a space.

Velvet dominated 2017 and 2018 and Classic Luxury and Versatile Functionality was the mantra for 2015. The trend for 2020 is Authenticity. Like who isn’t trying to be authentic? However, what is exciting about trend-seeking, is that we can observe how materials, colors and textures will cohabitate with humans during the year to come as well as adapting to the trends. Authenticity subscribes to the ideas of sustainability, reusability, wellbeing and all things natural. With all the high-tech, high-touch, smart homes and cold technologies, warmth and welcoming settings will dominate interior design. Cool, calm colors from nature will be the focus of color palettes and natural fibers and raw materials will influence furniture and accessories.

HOWEVER, with all this said about trends, in my opinion timeless design is what is most appealing and never goes out of style. What makes something timeless? Think about European homes and interiors that are still classically beautiful hundreds of years later. What is it about that piece of jewelry or clothing that remains timeless? What is the common factor amongst timeless design? There are several principles of timeless design that I have listed below. With timeless design, you can’t go wrong “Remember, classics never make a comeback. They wait for the perfect moment to take the spotlight from tired, overdone trends.” (Tabatha Coffey)
Below are the Ten Commandments of timeless design by legendary designer, Dieter Rams.
Good design is aesthetic
Good design is aesthetic
Good design makes a product understandable
Good design is unobtrusive
Good design is honest
Good design is simplistic
Good design is long-lasting
Good design is thorough down to the last detail
Good design is honest
Good design is honest
Good design is honest
So, let me finish with my clients home in Los Gatos that embodies all of the principals of GREAT design! The simple aesthetic and honest design of this Napa-Style Classic Creekside Estate radiates from every detail of this home.